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link: [ROM] [CM7.2] [PORT] YScape Rom Final Edition NEW [19-12-13] Xperia Style GALAXY Y
Berbagi [ROM] [CM7.2] [PORT] YScape Rom Final Edition NEW [19-12-13] Xperia Style GALAXY Y Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
YScape Rom Final Edition NEW [19-12-13] Xperia Style merupakan custom rom untuk pengguna Galaxy Y GT-S5360, yang saya ketahui bahwa custom rom tersebut hasil karya salah satu member xda.
- BASED ON CM7 RC By percy_g2
- Ported rom is Gioscape by geva28
- Slim rom with 80 mb free system memory
- Xperia UI and apps,Sound
- Slider notification bar (left swipe from the second page of the notification panel to access volume sliders
- StatusbarMods, now you can changes statusbar and notification panel color
- Swipe left at statusbar to hide the statusbar icons and swipe right to bring them back
- ICS/JB Task Manager
- Xloud
- Bravia Engine 3 Integrated
- Gioscape Custamoid.
- build.prop tweaks,Loopy Smoothness Tweak.
- ViPER4Android (V4A) Audio Effects thanks to zhuhang for this
- Walkman Music Player
- AdFree by patching HOSTS file
- Ram Tweaks Added
- GioScape Mini Themes..Around 16 different themes.Change in Settings-->GioScape--->Theme Chooser
- Xperia Z Icons and Roboto font from android 4.3
- GioScape GX Home Launcher
- NEW Sony Bootanimation
- Timescape widgets and lots of Sony Widgets
- Sony apps Ported to work on CM
- New Notification Bar layout(3 pages) with Status Bar Greper
- Smooth JellyBean Animations.
- New Xperia ZU slide window animation
- Transparent Google Playstore 4.1.10 with changeable background
- Tabbed Settings with swipe gesture
- Add GioScape Customizoid, you can change Statbar Xpanded and All Apps Background with your own images
- Semi transparent statusbar and notificationbar jellybean layout with settings and recent button
- Semi transparent all apps background
- Xperia Contacts with Big screen Caller ID
- MegaBass system audio
- Sms popup with Xperia messaging app.
- Activated Statusbar Greper (Alicia and Casandra)
Download Links:
1. CWM-Madteam-Galaxy-Y.zip
2. Kernel Percy@CM#2.zip
4. AndroidTetheringUSB.apk (Fix Bug Tethering USB)
1. Copy keempat file tersebut, ke root sdcard/Here.
2. Matikan HH anda.
3. Tekan Power + Volume Up + Home secara bersamaan, sampai muncul boot samsung galaxy y gt-s5360, lalu lepaskan.
4. Setelah itu tampilan HH anda akan memasuki mode Android System Recovery.
5. Pada mode Android System Recovery, Pilih apply update from sdcard.
6. Cari file CWM-Madteam-Galaxy-Y.zip
7. Pada mode ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM).
8. Pilih install zip from sdcard, Pilih choose zip from sdcard.
9. Cari file Percy@CM#2.zip
10. Pilih Yes-Install.
11. Setelah selesai, tekan tombol back, pilih advanced, pilih reboot recovery.
12. Setelah booting recovery.
13. Pada mode CWM-based Recovery.
14. Pilih mounts and storage, Pilih Format data, system, cache.
15. Pilih mounts and storage, mount system, data, cache (terlihat unmount).
16. Pilih install zip from sdcard
17. Pilih choose zip from sdcard
18. Cari file YScapeFinalByAnderson.zip
19. Pilih Yes-Install.
20. Ikuti installasi via Aroma Installer.
21. Setelah selesai install, Pilih Next.
22. Check Reboot your device now, Pilih Finish. (Pertama reebot memang agak lama).
- CM7 Bugs
- Touchscreen Booster app Force close
1. faster ANIMATIONS: GioScape settings-GioScapeMod Settings-Interface-Spareparts:
- window animations=fast
- transition animations=fast
2. S2E
- GioScape Settings-GioScapeMod Settings-Aplications.
- For activation: s2e settings-check mount as ext4-reboot. Open s2e again-get your choise (check Aplications, aplication data or cache) -reboot-done.
3. Changes pitcure at My Pic (at quick panel settings)
Settings-GioScapeMod Settings-Interface-Status bar Tweaks-Statusbar Greper-Carrier Image, than choose your pic
4. Change statusbar and notification panel/expanded color
Settings-GioScapeMod Settings-Interface-Status bar Tweaks-StatusbarMods
5. Change statusbar background with image
Settings-GioScapeMod Settings-Interface-Status bar Tweaks-Statusbar Greper-Statusbar Background
6. GioScape Customizoid
If you want changes expanded/notification, etc, background with your image you must backup system app and framework at apps and framework changers (at GioScapeMod Settings-System)
7. Audio Setup in BEATSManager
##For best headset quality, in Beats Headset:
- dinamic range compression, enable+superior
- x-bass, disabled
- equalizer, enable+beats virtualizer+strongest (or Superior maybe)
- headset virtual room effect, enable+hall
##For higher ringtones, in xLoud speaker:
- X-Bass, enabled + slight
- Equalizer, enabled + Beats Virtualizer
Catatan: YScape Rom Final Edition NEW [19-12-13] Xperia Style ini sudah saya test di Samsung Galaxy Y GT-S5360, work 100%...
Perhatian: Saya Tidak bertanggung jawab jika setelah menggunakan tutorial ini ada kesalahan yang menyebabkan smartphone android anda mati/brick/error, karena tutorial ini sudah saya coba 100% berhasil.
Original Thread XDA: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2441647
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